you found the blogspace! you can find links to the different blog categories in the sidebar as well as links to the most recent posts below. this is a rather individualized section full of unscheduled rants and ramblings [it's part of my brain, after all...] and talks of the like. if you want music suggestions, take a look at the music charts - inspired by radiohead's "office charts" from their old blog!! [here's an archive of said blog X_X trust me, this won't be the last time you hear me mention radiohead.]

enjoy your stay!


roadtrip adventures part 2 [11/13/23]
roadtrip adventures [11/12/23]
life update - i'm in limbo [11/04/23]
'ween 2023 [11/01/23]
rest in pubes [10/30/23]
first (wow) [10/28/23]