rest in pubes

welcum back 2 my somewhat-coherent rambling. on today's episode,, my fav graphics site is fucking GONZO. DEAD. PUSHIN UP DAISIES !! 。゜゜(´O`) ゜゜。
what a sad time it's been. i went 2 check my spacehey account that's been inactive for liek a month,, and half of my SOOPER kewl graphics were NO MORE ! it sux, but i hope the carrd manager iz ok.
in other news, halloween is tmr !!!! finally, a day of self expression and freedom has been granted upon my poor passoid self !! how joyous. i get to dress as kewl as i want and NOBODY can say a thing !!! how fun. perhaps i'll post a halloween themed "on the topic of..." tomorrow to celebrate. maybe not, i dunno. whatever the case, i'll b back very soon,,, C= C= C= C= C=┌(;・ω・)┘

- ch.rlie