roadtrip adventures part 2

somebody put me out of my misery
i'm back again - haiii,, i'm very lucky this is a short roadtrip. we're back on the road again today (minus a few stops to certain giant industrial one-stop-shop stores) and i am miserable. i forgot my medication at home, which is a horrendous enough predicament on its own. however, no meds = insomnia; i did not sleep at all last night. paranoia sucks. no sleep aids, no legally-prescribed amphetamines, i am a mess.
i'm supposed to be "quitting" energy drink consumption but i feel like today is an exception. dude, lack of sleep makes everything feel like a liminal space and i'm so incredibly drowsy.
it's around 11AM at the time of writing this, but i'll probably officially post it later. too tired to do all the coding work of linking every blog post back to itself X_x... in the meantime, i'm gonna attempt to take a car-nap.
au revoir websurfers and friends

- ch.rlie